Saturday, November 12, 2011

Andrew Barsky - The Inner Solar System

This set of 6 songs were composed by Andrew. He was inspired by Antonio Vivaldi's Four Seasons. So he decided to compose something similar. The theme he has chosen is The Inner Solar System.

He used the different scales and other musical elements he has learnt to compose this series. For instance he used the blue scale for the moon (which is my favourite), he used the tonic and dominant chords of the C Major scale for the Sun (since it's the power source of the inner solar system) and he used the whole tone scale for the aliens in Mars.

Enjoy the footage!

1. The Sun (using Tonic and Dominant of C Major)

2. Mercury - using the E minor Scale

3. Venus -Andrew chose to compose his melody from the higher range on the piano (higher pitch) to the lower range, depicting the volcano eruption and the flowing down of the lava.

4. Earth - This melody started with a sweet melody depicting the beautiful earth but it was "destroyed" by pollution and other inconsiderate things that man has done to the earth (depicted by the harsh minor chords).

5. Moon - This is my favourite, using the blue scale. Thanks Andrew!

6. Mars - using whole tone scales to depict the 2 aliens from Mars.