Sunday, July 24, 2011

Janna, You are a Star!

I enjoyed myself very much listening to Janna in last week's lesson. There's just so much confidence from the hands of the little 4-year-old girl. You made my day Janna, and my week too!

Enjoy this mini recital of Janna Yeo!

1. Old Pig Donald

2. Here Comes The Bride

3. Going Up The Escalator
This song is often challenging, especially for young children. Most students can easily master it with one hand (playing FGAB), but to co-ordinate both hands can be challenging. On top  of that, she has to make the escalator escalate (moving up the octaves!) Well done Janna!

4. Happy Birthday
Janna learnt this song by rote. Initially she was playing the whole song with her index finger. With a little encouragement, she tried to use all her fingers to play the song (it is a very big deal for small little hands to do that!)