Thursday, April 14, 2011

Matthew, you are a star!

Matthew loves exploring different sound on the keyboard. He just learnt the "minor" (sad) sound and he has decided to make the song "Picnic with friends" (From Piano Adventure Book B) into a sad song. Here are the words he wrote:

I'm sad the sky is painted black, black, black.
(Originally the color was blue and he changed all the "glad" to "sad")
I'm sad the earth is painted grey, grey, grey.
(Originally the color was green)
I'm sad there such a lot of cigarette!
(Originally it was "I'm glad there's such a lot of nice fresh air")
I'm sad I'm sandwiched in between.

Maybe some anti-smoking campaigner might be interested in his variation of the song!

The 1st video is Matthew playing the song.
The 2nd video is Matthew singing to his recording. (We recorded what he played earlier on his keyboard).