Sunday, June 13, 2010

Recital @ Hacienda (28th May 2010) Part 3

For the finale, we have Natalie bringing us Theme from "UP" and The Heart Asks For Pleasure from "The Piano", followed by a piano duet by Ysobel and Daisy.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Recital @ Hacienda (28th May 2010) Part 2 (Girls)

Congratulations to all the girls as well. Here's part 2 of the recital. Enjoy the footage !

1. Jadyn

2. Tallula

3. Daisy

Sorry Daisy, I stopped the recording to try to catch your flying music sheets that day : P
Guess we just have to enjoy the clips I took during the practice.

4. Amelia

5. Ysobel

Look out for Part three, presenting Natalie Michael and the duet by Ysobel and Daisy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Recital @ Hacienda (28th May 2010) Part 1 (Boys)

Congratulations to all the performers who shared their music with us on the 28th May 2010. It was a wonderful afternoon and we all enjoyed the music. Thankyou !

For those of you who have missed the concert, enjoy the footage attached.

First, presenting the boys - Andrew, Noah, Matthew & Jesse.