Friday, February 26, 2010

Introducing my New Students

I have two new students this year.

Here's Jadyn, she's my youngest student now, guess how old she is?
She has a good sense of rhythm and well-co-ordinated fingers too !

Here's my other new student Natalie. Actually she is not new! She did her Grade 2 ABRSM exam early last year and took a little break. But she's back again, enthusiastic and fresh! Her mom complains that she practises TOO MUCH!

Here's the theme from "UP" and Supermassive Black Hole from "Twilight".

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Welcome 2010 !

Happy New Year !
I had to say goodbye to some of my students who went back to their home country. Jasmine and Mitchell, you will be dearly missed and all the best to your pursuit of excellence and enjoyment in your piano playing !

It is great that this year, I'm teaching most of you at your home. That saves the problem of you forgetting to bring your books or sheet music. It's also great for me to work with you on the instrument that you are working with at home.

To kick start the new year, I would like to present each and everyone of my students.

First, here's Daisy on her "Church Organ" !

And next on the line is Noah, working on his keyboard and learning to add in a rhythm accompaniment. Here's Noah with his Yankee Doodle !